
Red Umbrella
May 1, 2023

Animatic storyboard

Animatics are used mostly in the development of short video projects like music videos, animated films and commercials to show the timing of a storyboard with audio, but can be helpful for all video projects.

Synopsis: Teddies is an animatic storyboard for a music video concept for a song called Jazzy by David Mzyece.

Jazzy is from a currently unreleased beats project

This project features;

Art by Peter Mchydra https://www.instagram.com/petermchydra/

Photography by The Odd Fray https://linktr.ee/theoddfray Eness

Photography https://enessphotography.pixieset.com/

Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLVPktAz1VY

